Data Essentials

The Data Stack

Students will learn about the components of the data stack including APIs, The Database, Data Warehouse, and Applications.

Tracking and Targeting

We’ll take an in-­‐depth look into the methods of tracking including pixels, cookies, and ad tags. Students will also get a review of how this tracking plays into targeting.

Audience Data

An overview of the audience data landscape including 3rd party data, Google, Facebook and Amazon data as well as how to work with the various data sources.

The DMP and CDP

With a behind-­‐the-­‐scenes peek into a data management platform (DMP), students will learn about the value a DMP brings to brands. Students will also learn the basics of the CDP and its importance      in the evolution of the DMP.

Data and Privacy Regulation

Leveraging audience data will become difficult in the future given CCPA and other privacy laws. In this lesson, we will review the current privacy acts and discuss their downstream impact on our business.

Data Strategy

Students will put together everything they learned in class to develop a data strategy for their given business.